Mark’s gospel

Mark’s gospel

The last supper

Found in all the synoptic gospels. 12-15- Links with Jesus last supper with the Passover even the
essential elements of the meal, lamb, bitter herbs, sauce did not appear in his passage. Te purpose of
the passage is to not about the Passover but o show how Jesus celebrated his own Passover. Here two
disciples are sent out with the precise description .

Vs12, on the first day of the feast of unleavened bread. Mark’s precise dating is not accurate. He has
the first day of Unleavened bread 14 Nisan , where lambs were slaughtered, properly it is15 Nissan.
Mark’s concern is to connect this meal of Jesus with he Passover and it is 14Nisan. His other purpose is
to highlight Jesus’s foreknowledge and authority.

Eat the Passover

Dt 16:7ordained that Jews “cook and eat it at the sanctuary the Lord God chooses” and this meant the
precincts of the temple itself. 2Cor 25:1-9, this came to mean all Jerusalem , provided that the lamb was
slaughtered in the temple and the designated parts were given to the priests. Jesus prescient indication
singles out the of a male water carriers tote in its skins, but women carry terra cotta jugs. usually a
woman carry a water pot. Here a man carrying. It is not a man’s job. Mark wants to make the man
carrying the pot stands out. The teacher, perhaps is the owner of the house who is a disciple of Jesus.

The feast of the unleavened bread. Before the Passover every leaven must be removed from the house.
Unleavened bread cooked fast andcan be carried more symbolizing the escape from Egypt.

There had to be a group big enough to consume an unblemished one year-old male lamb. Ex 12:4. Large
upstairs room, spread with coaches and furnished is contrasted with the early Israelites custom when
the lamb was eaten in haste while standing the Passover meal had become in the Ist century Palestine a
festive dinner at which even the poorest reclined at table , a sign of liberation from bondage . The site of
the “Upper room” outside the present South wall of old Jerusalem and near the Church of he Dormition
is based on the 4th cent tradition.

There are lot theological significance than accuracy of the timing. Mark has put Jesus died on he feast
that is 14 the Nisan which not accurate. John has put Jesus died n the 15th Nisan at the hour the lambs
are slaughtered They wanted to connect the dead of Jesus to he Passover. And Jesus is the new lamb,
the lamb of God. Lambs are slaughtered in the temple . blood is sacred o God, blood is life. Then the
blood is thrown on the altar. The carcass is then roasted not boil. There are few things needed for the
Passover feast.

Lamb-remind them how the angel of death passed through Egypt.
Biter herbs-remind them of the bitterness of slavery in Egypt.
Coreseth-mixture of apples , dates, pomegranates and nuts. Remind them of the clay of which they had
made bricks in Egypt.

Sticks of cinnamon were added as a reminder of the straw , which the bricks were made. 4 cups of wine-
3 parts of wine mixed with 2 parts of water.4 cups drunk at different times to remind the promises of
The Passover meal had o be eaten n Jerusalem and that after sunset.

The announcement of the betrayal. Mark has inserted two passages, “as they were at he able’ vs18, as
they were eating vs 22. He call attention o the verses framed by these chapters. In between mark places
the accounts of the meal which is the Passover and the Eucharist. The blessing and breaking of bread ,
together with he blessing and giving of cup suggest the opening prayer suggest the opening prayers of
every Passover feast. Jesus speaking of the bread as his body and the wine as his blood is the difference.
The bread his body the blood as covenant, reference to the blood of the lamb.

Different gospel passages in Lk 22:21-23; Jn 13:18, which does not identify the traitor: the other in Mt
26:25, Jn 13:21-30 identifies the traitor as Judas. Mark is guilty of careless writing. Vs17 specifies “the
twelve.” But two of his disciples had been sent out to prepare the Passover mea; now we read that he
came with the twelve. One of you will betray –the horror of the betrayal is at the sacred setting of table
fellowship. It is one of the twelve.

The betrayal is in accordance with the divine necessity for the passion: “as it is written” .it is the will of
God. But human responsibility is not diminished. The action of the betrayer is not excused, nor his guilt
removed. Jesus chose death feely and accepted it. Mark has put the betrayal episode in the setting of
Eucharistic table fellowship.” One of you” “one of the twelve” The disciples remained un-understood till
the end. Jesus foreknowledge of his passion versus the incomprehension of his disciples. The Christian
must ask: Is it I?-the betrayer of the Lord Jesus. One is reminded of Paul in 1Cor 11:8-“Let one examine
oneself……Others see everyone suspiciously but Jesus was able to see into the heart of Jesus. There can
be things that we can hide from others but cannot hide from God. Even knowing about Judas Jesus
loved him.

He is offering Judas two things,

Love last appeal-Maybe he is saying, “I know you are going to do that, will you not stop even yet.
Last warning: The consequences of the thing that is in his heart to do.
But there was no compulsion on the part of Jesus. Jesus could have stopped him, tell others about him.
But did not. God has given us freedom.

22. The Lord’s supper

The actual Passover is not mentioned. The whole narrative is based on the Eucharistic liturgical
tradition of Mark’s church. It is less explicit than the Pauline tradition 1 Cor 11:23-26 but same
significance. Both body and blood are given. It is a sacrificial death. It anticipates the eschatological
banquet. Mark does not have Paul’s “Do this in remembrance of me” For Mark the Eucharistic liturgy is
the fulfillment of hat word.

took bread, blessed, broke, gave

Mark starts with vs 22-25. The meal is already in progress. “As they were eating”. Jesus as the head of
the family would have pronounced a grace or blessings over some of the “unleavened Massot” before
the lamb would have been eaten. “This is my body” in Paul’s 1Cor 11:22 adds “which is for you” Just as
the bread of the family at the Passover explained the meaning if the bread of affliction .Dt 16:3.So Jesus
too interpreted the bread he was about to distribute. The evengelist is not interested in other things-
only to the words and action of the head of the family.

A cup

His probably the third cup of the Passover meal, the cup of benediction 1 Cor 10:16.which follow the
main course and preceded the singing of the second part the hallel.

This is my blood of the covenant.

24, Mark shows Jesus quoting from Isaiah when he speaks of his blood being ‘shed for many’ Is
53 :11.Mark shows that Jesus death is line with tradition of atoning sacrifice.

The blessing of the new covenant sealed in the blood of Jesus is offered to all. I shall not drink –
futuristic, the eschatological dimension of the Eucharist. Eucharist is the prefiguration of the heavenly
banquet. Jesus looks forward , beyond death, to the kingdom. S in the predictions of the passion , death
is not the last word. Here Jesus with sure hope , o the eschatological banquet.

Gethsemane . 26-27

Attention turns to Jesus and his disciples again and to something more serious than misunderstanding.
Judas is not only the failure-all will fail in their measure. Having sung a hymn the Passover meal
concludes. Singing of the second part of the hallel.

Mt of Olives-The hill to the East of Jerusalem beyond the kidron. Ex 12:22 prescribed that no Israelite
sanctuary which the lord your God chooses”. DT 16:7. But the crowded conditions in Jerusalem the
interpretation was widen to include as far as the environments of the city.

It’s a moment, the few hours after he Last Supper, that Jesus had to prepare for his death. There is a lot
of pressure , like we will do if we now that we are given a few hours to live? What we will do in those
hours, what will be last choices?

Agony in the garden, not in he temple, or in the synagogue but in a garden. Gardens don’t appear often
in the scripture, but they are very important. Gardens are not only for flowers, and where vegetables
grow but a place where lover go. This a place where the drama of love takes place. The beginning of this
drama of love was in the garden of Eden. The sweating blood in the garden is about he drama inside of
love. What’s happening in the garden is the test of love.

He has to loose the resentment. Jesus has to ive himself over to his death, which is hard, whichis
suffering, which is sacrificial. But he has o do it without resentment. He has to carry the cross and not
sent the bill.

Jesus is going to die anyway. But he great gift was that he could die, he gave his life over without
bitterness, without anger, with out resentment, with complete forgiveness.

Leaving for Mt. Olives-short journey towards the east of Jerusalem-“You will fall away” more than thei
tho The re scattering of the disciples-lost of faith in Jesus. Jesus is prepared for anything. Most hurting is
the betrayal by his friends, It is here he needs his friends. After declaring “strike the shepherd , and the
sheep will be scattered “ Zech 13:7, the oracle goes on to declare that two third of the shepherd king ‘s
people perish. The remnant will be refined and tested to become truly God’s people . Jesus promises
that his community , too, though scattered by what happened to their shepherd, will be gathered again
by him. “I will go before “ that Jesus will lead into mission.

Vs 26- When speak of his passion –the disciples could fathom them. It is a crisis for them. The inability
of the disciples which Mark was presenting has reach its peak. Peter cannot accept the prophecy of
Jesus . He is sure of himself and of his loyalty to Jesus. He is confident that all the others will fall, he
certainly not. Before the cock crows-We an all identify with Peter. Everyone has a Peter in ourselves, too
confident, over look our weakness. Peter has seen himself as an exception –he is thinking he will not
be scattered. Now he is singled out for failure. He is totally deaf to the word of the Lord. He is quite sure
that he will die rather deny Jesus.

Vs32-Christ in the Gethsemane . Gethsemane means “oil press” John speaks of a garden, apparently
situated at the foot of the Mt. Olives. Mentioned of Peter, James, John important figures of the early
church. They were with Jesus at various occasions. Jesus goes to pray. Prayer is the final thing we do to
get strength and consolation. He took his disciples to support him. Jesus wanted to have some silence,
friendship to support him. Jesus felt deeply grieved. Up to now Jesus who had casually contemplated
his death is now brought face to face with the reality of death. Now he enters into that sorrow hat
threatens life. H is in anguish about his violent death, Jesus is conscious of it. Full knowledge. He wants
his disciples to keep alert-they are to keep awake. Jesus cries in distress, like prisoners to be hanged.

Mark presents a Jesus who is a human, with all human feelings, weakness, helplessness. Jesus
overwhelmed by suffering and distress. Let this hour pass by, the hour, it is the hour of the delivering
up of the Son of Man. Jesus turn to God in prayer. Moment of crisis. Critical moment and the final
temptation of Jesus struggle with his human nature and God’s will. He ask his Father to remove the cup
of suffering. But still submit to he will of he Father.

“Abba”-Aramaic word means father. Intimate term –dearest Father. Jesus would have used it. It shows
his unique bond with his father. Rom 8: 15-17, Gal 4:6,Paul will speaks about the spirit that cries to
God; Abba Father. With out the spirit a Christian would never be able to utter this cry. It empowers a
Christian’s inmost conviction, as he prays to God, Father. In greek “pater nostra” Even in the horror of
Gethsemane Jesus knows God as his Father, expresses full confidence in him, and finally is willingness
to face his destiny alone. “Going himself little further, throwing himself on the ground” shows his
intensity of his anguish.

The cup is and Old Testament metaphor for punishment and divine retribution . it stands for the burden
of human sin that Jesus has to bear in undergoing his redemptive death. Jesus is faced with naked evil.

He is tempted to eliminate suffering from his messianic way. It is a supreme test , for evil is overcome
not by violence but by loving obedience. Jesus in Gethsemane had to come to terms with the necessity
of suffering. Even at the last moment he wants to do the will of God.

Jesus vigilant prayer stands in contrast to the sleep of the disciples. Failure of the disciples to keep vigil.
Three times Jesus comes to the disciples and three times he finds them sleeping. They too are struggling
against the evil. They were asked to pray that they may not fail in the struggle that confronts them.
They were his close friends and been with him on many important occasions. They were also given the
glimpse of his glory during the transfiguration. The episode of the transfiguration did not sink into their
minds. Peter was so sure of himself a while ago, who was ready to die and cannot stand with Jesus.
Jesus has many times told his disciples stay awake.

“The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak’ Spirit is the transcendent, responsive to God. The flesh is
mortal. Ego tendency of the human person. This is he struggle between the spirit and the flesh. Paul
mentions this in Romans 8: 1-17. The disciples at this moment are “flesh dorminated” and thus they
sleep. They do not know how to respond. This is the last time Jesus speaks to them. They cannot hear
the word of warning,” for their eyes are heavy”. They have closed their eyes. Their misunderstanding
has grown to failure. Peter has reverted to Simon again.

For Jesus all is now clear. It had seemed to him that the way of he cross was the path he was asked to
walk. Now through his anguished prayer it had become clear to him that what seemed to be asked is
really asked of him. In that certainty he has found peace. Now Jesus is serene, victor in temptation,
who can call to his disciples , “rise let us be going” ad walked resolutely to meet his betrayer. Now the
passion begins. The hour has come. The critical and definite hour. The hour of the salvation of the world.
The Son of Man is handed over. The betrayer is at hand. He has spoken for the last time of his sufferings
and now he undergoes suffering. This is his humble submission to his Father. Service freely chosen. This
is the impact of prayer on Jesus. Disciples who failed to pray will be overwhelmed with fear and will flee.

Mark has brought us so far he theme of discipleship, misunderstanding with that of Jesus temptation.
Jesus is a suffering Messiah. This suffering Messiahship is not easily accepted. Paul will speak of the
cross as foolishness and scandal. The reader is warned, must watch and pray. Don’t be like he disciples.
Good intentions are not enough. He must be a true disciple.

The arrest is so immediate, even while he was speaking. Begins with Judas leading the way. Judas is
accompanied by armed rabble, one dispatched by the religious authorities; their plot was bearing fruit.
There is no mention of temple police or Roman troops as in John’s Gospel. Judas is he betrayer, “one
who delivered him up”. Judas is serving a divine purpose. One of twelve, one of his intimate friends,
with he chief priests, scribes, elders, all group together in full range. The arrest took place in a garden.
Din light, with darkness of the trees, with flashings lights of the torches.

Kiss-Intended to identify Jesus in the dark. Prv 27:6. A terrible of signs. Judas greeted Jesus in a manner
in which a disciple would salute his rabbi. Sign and respect for the well loved teacher. It is a lover’s kiss.
Sinn of friendship turns to be treacherous. One who stood by drew sword and cut off the servant ear.
May not belong to the Sanhedrin. An impulsive act by someone other than a disciple to defend Jesus ,

and revenge for the indignity done to Jesus. Jesus protest at the manner of the arrest. It characterizes
him as a man of violence . But he is a man of peace, a teacher who does not need to disguise his
teaching. Let the scriptures fulfilled, that means god’s will be done.

“All fled” The disciples deserted Jesus. Even one who still “followed” Jesus after his disciples had
deserted quickly loses heart. Jesus is left alone.

The young man- remains a riddle. This young man has been traditionally taken as the evangelist. This
young man is ,”seized “ as Jesus has been “seized” 44, 46. He escapes by leaving his linen cloth behind.
The dead Jesus is wrapped in a linen cloth The young man reappears in 16;5, cloth in a “white robe”
Dramatic way of explaining the abandonment of Jesus. Scholars sat that is Mark. Acts 12:12. The pper
room may belong to his family. The young who followed Jesus is so afraid to follow Jesus when he as
arrested even left his linen cloth and escape.

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