4th Sunday in ordinary time year A

In 1970 there was a famous movie called exorcist. It was about a 14 year boy who was possessed by an evil spirit. Pictures, chairs and bed would suddenly move. The boy could barely sleep. Then admitted to the hospital, the boy pour out fierce curses of ancient languages. When strapped helplessly in bed, long scratches appeared on his body.  The boy eventually survived an exorcism and lives in Washington. The old priest involved in the exorcism has taken a vow not to  discuss it. That experience dramatically changed his life for the better.

We can imagine how the life of a person who is possessed. He does not know that he is possessed. The demon trying to destroy everything you hold dear to you. The possessed person might be fighting with the demon, but something the demon is so strong. He might wait when he will be delivered.

In the gospel we have a man possessed. This possession happens in a synagogue in a holy place. Jesus by his authoritative  word  cast out the devil from the man . Possession can take place any where?  How does possession take place. Experts say that possession takes when there is a opening of the door or we do some welcome the evil spirit. There are forces of evil outside  of us and inside of us.  When there is serious involvement in the occult practices the devil can easily enter the person’s life.

The devil or a unclean spirit will be looking for a place to stay. We have the tree , empty where the evil spit like to dwell. The best place is the human body. When  it finds that a person is weak in faith, and sin, that will be  a nice place to stay. And the person never comes to church, no confession worst still.



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