3 rd sunday od advent year 1

Mark 1:1-8
A teacher was explaining to her grade school class the value of cleanliness and a healthy lifestyle. She placed four worms in separate jars. The first worm was put into a jar of alcohol. The second worm was put into a container of cigarette smoke. The third worm was put into a jar filled with soda. The fourth worm was put into a container of good clean soil.

The children saw with their own eyes the result: The first worm in alcohol – dead.


Now the Christmas season has begun. In the tv and in the media Christmas is very much highlighted. In the supermarkets  we can see Christmas mood. There is a big difference between the  Christmas of the world and the  Christmas promoted of the church. The Christmas they portray is xmas, and seasons. They have taken  out Christ . Christmas had not come but there is already Christmas feeling. We are in the waiting period . we are called to prepare for the arrival of Christ. In the midst of all these noises  the church follows the example of John the Baptist, to prepare the way of the Lord. The world will speak about the material preparation for Christmas. But the church always be like john the Baptist preparing the people to welcome Christ in their lives. John is asking the people to make a spiritual comeback.  He is asking us the create a space for Christ in our hearts.

Johns shouts in the desert. It is not a comfortable place to live in. Its hot, there are very little water , and there are snakes and scorpions . It is here the voice of John comes to prepare the way for the Lord.

John came announcing a baptism of repentance. Symbolic washing and purifying was woven into the very fabric of Jewish ritual.

When john the Baptist preached some people listened. They go before him admitting sins. Some people There was a group of people , the Sadducees and Pharisees  who came to see what is happening, but nothing happened to them because came as onlookers.  This is what john is telling us. To prepare our hearts first. Make the heart a smooth path for Jesus to be born.  We let go unforgiveness , hatred and make it a place of God’s dwelling.

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