The cross with the figure of Jesus

We hear in the first reading Moses lifted up the bronze serpent. Why? Because the Israelites they were rejoicing and trusted God and in his servant Moses. When they encountered the scorching heat, hunger and thirst, they murmured against Moses. Why you brought us out in this wilderness, no water, no food, why you brought us to dies? They had forgotten that God has saved them the slavery in Egypt and leading them to a new land. They did not trust in God. They miss the whole saving act of God. Because they complained God send poisonous snakes and some dies. Then the people realized their great sin and repented. Then God s instructed Moses to erect a bronze serpent so that when they see it they will be healed. To teach the people of losing trust in God, God made the snake as a instrument of punishment and then the instrument of salvation. That is why the snake is the symbol is the symbol of healing in the medical world.

Jesus tells Nicodemus. A Pharisee honestly searching for the kingdom of God, Jesus refers to the lifting up of the bronze serpent in the desert. Jesus says that he will be lifted up in death on the cross.

Like the snake which is poisonous, then became the instrument of salvation for us. The cross was the instrument of punishment by the Romans. The romans used to punish criminals and political offenders were executed. It was a instrument of shame. God changed this instrument of shame into the symbol of glory. The cross of Jesus becomes the symbol of God’s great love for us. Jesus died on the cross to wash our sins. Maybe Jesus has no way other way show us how much he love us so the only way is to die for us.

Some people ask why the cross of Jesus has the figure of Jesus on it. Jesus has resurrected. We know that Jesus has resurrected. The cross with the figure of Jesus reminds us the sacrifice of Jesus. It reminds us of the great love of Jesus for us. Before this great love of Jesus what is our stubbornness, what is our sinfulness, what is our un forgiveness before him. If we really love Jesus we can let go all these and embrace the love of Jesus.

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