5th Sunday in ordinary time. Year A



There was a funeral in one non-catholic house. The next door people was a catholic. Because there was not enough place in the funeral house, the catholic  family open the fencing and let the people use their compound.  This was very surprising for many people. This kind of understanding will not happen easily among many people. Maybe there are some. But many times I go to the funeral a house I have seen the neighbours closed their doors and stay inside or go some where. I have seen some catholic house erect big wall because they don’t talk to their neighbour. Both the families belong to the same BEC. What the catholic family did to the non-catholic was something very good. People who came for the funeral see how a catholic  family can do this. Because they are Christians and follow Jesus.  That  really attracted the attention of many people.

The underlying thing is the faith in Jesus. When we become  disciple of Jesus we will all this.

This is what Jesus says in the gospel We must be salt and light to the world.  We must give taste to the world. We must live our Christian life to that extend that people must find our life convincing and inspiring to come and taste that life.

Jesus says that each disciple must make a difference, like in the story. Doing good things, like a light that is out for people to see.  We don’t follow people what they do but make a difference. What others don’t dare to do we do. That gives the message to the world that we belong to Christ.

Even people whom we don’t like we try to reach out to them. Even in the families some have hurt us very much and don’t want to talk to them. We make a difference, we forgive them. In your bec there people whom you don’t like but still you work with them.

We don’t give bad witnessing such as drinking outside and getting drunk, unfaithfull in marriage where people come to know, stealing and cheating. We talk good things- don’t sit in the coffee shop and talk bad of fellow Christians , church, priests and so on. Theses is bad witnessing and work of the devil.

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